Bookworm bouquet


The Bookworm Bouquet, housed in a charming ceramic vessel shaped like a book, celebrating the wonders of wildflowers. This petite arrangement of vibrant blooms is a delightful surprise, not found on the shelves of Barnes & Noble or Google Books. Snag it here to send your story!

Ideal for brightening days, showing appreciation, or simply bringing joy, gratitude, and a touch of nature into any space. This unique floral gift is sure to enchant any bookworm, whether they prefer paperbacks, e-books, or audiobooks! Perfect for the graduate, or any mom who loves to get lost in a good read.

It will be a beautiful variety of flowers but never the same ole story! Flowers will be seasonally picked for the design! 

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The Bookworm Bouquet, housed in a charming ceramic vessel shaped like a book, celebrating the wonders of wildflowers. This petite arrangement of vibrant blooms is a delightful surprise, not found on the shelves of Barnes & Noble or Google Books. Snag it here to send your story!

Ideal for brightening days, showing appreciation, or simply bringing joy, gratitude, and a touch of nature into any space. This unique floral gift is sure to enchant any bookworm, whether they prefer paperbacks, e-books, or audiobooks! Perfect for the graduate, or any mom who loves to get lost in a good read.

It will be a beautiful variety of flowers but never the same ole story! Flowers will be seasonally picked for the design! 

The Bookworm Bouquet, housed in a charming ceramic vessel shaped like a book, celebrating the wonders of wildflowers. This petite arrangement of vibrant blooms is a delightful surprise, not found on the shelves of Barnes & Noble or Google Books. Snag it here to send your story!

Ideal for brightening days, showing appreciation, or simply bringing joy, gratitude, and a touch of nature into any space. This unique floral gift is sure to enchant any bookworm, whether they prefer paperbacks, e-books, or audiobooks! Perfect for the graduate, or any mom who loves to get lost in a good read.

It will be a beautiful variety of flowers but never the same ole story! Flowers will be seasonally picked for the design!