Southern Belle
Southern Belle Bouquet
Y'all, let me paint a Carolina sunset in a vase!
Our Southern Belle Bouquet captures the cotton candy-colored skies of Raleigh's sun-kissed days. Handpicked blooms from local farms and beyond come together in a stunning display of charm. Sweet peachy tones and lush greens tell a tale of Southern love and tradition. This bouquet is a slice of a Raleigh sunset you want to share.
Southern Belle Bouquet
Y'all, let me paint a Carolina sunset in a vase!
Our Southern Belle Bouquet captures the cotton candy-colored skies of Raleigh's sun-kissed days. Handpicked blooms from local farms and beyond come together in a stunning display of charm. Sweet peachy tones and lush greens tell a tale of Southern love and tradition. This bouquet is a slice of a Raleigh sunset you want to share.
Southern Belle Bouquet
Y'all, let me paint a Carolina sunset in a vase!
Our Southern Belle Bouquet captures the cotton candy-colored skies of Raleigh's sun-kissed days. Handpicked blooms from local farms and beyond come together in a stunning display of charm. Sweet peachy tones and lush greens tell a tale of Southern love and tradition. This bouquet is a slice of a Raleigh sunset you want to share.
Vase may differ due to supply issues but design will remain its look and integrity and still be in a glass vase. measures approximately 22”Hx 18”W